Stories of Suicide

We’ve put together the following podcast episodes and blog posts to help us all be better equipped to think about how we can be supporting those struggling with thoughts of suicide.

These stories are shared with us from people with firsthand experience of suicide; whether they’ve lost someone to suicide, helped someone navigate that dark period, or have struggled with suicidal thoughts themselves.




Was God There During My Depression, Self-Harm and Suicidal Thoughts? ft. Maddy - E12 Anxious Faith

Losing a Son to Suicide ft. Pippa - E15 Anxious Faith

Surviving Being Suicidal ft. Joshua - E16 Anxious Faith

When Suicide Strikes ft. Al - E17 Anxious Faith

If you’re struggling yourself or know someone who might be, we strongly encourage you to speak to someone – whether that’s talking to a family member, trusted friend, your pastor, doctor, or psychologist. If you aren’t unsure who you can speak with, you can find a list of helplines here if you’re in Australia or New Zealand, and if you’re outside of those countries, a quick Google search should find you a number you can call for support.

If you’d like to read or watch more on the topic of suicide, you can visit our suicide resources page here.