Ep6 - When Your Partner Has Anxiety


With mental health statistics so high – especially in Australia – the odds are someone we know and care about will suffer from a mental health condition during their life. But what do you do if it’s your partner?

What does that look like day-to-day? How do you support them? Or, even more broadly, how do you begin to tell someone you’re close to that you have a mental illness?

This episode we speak to Matt & Maddy, a young married couple who share how they’ve learned to navigate a relationship involving mental illness. Maddy has an anxiety condition; Matt has never experienced one, and they share what it was like going through the stages of their relationship, and how their faith plays a huge part in keeping them united and able to support each other.

You can read their story from Maddy’s perspective in I’m Anxious, My Partner Isn’t’, and Matt’s perspective in ‘Dating Someone With Anxiety: What I’ve Learned’.


Ep7 - Is Faith Always Helpful?


Ep5 - Can We Learn to Stop Avoiding Our Anxiety?