
Ep43 - Rest: How We Find Rest in God
Anxious Faith Anxious Faith

Ep43 - Rest: How We Find Rest in God

We all recognise the importance of rest, but how often do we find ourselves indulging in mindless entertainment when only resting in God can truly satisfy? In the first episode of our new season, we'll delve into what it means to rest in God and how we can practically do that. 

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Ep42 - A Biblical Guide to Anxiety
James Burke James Burke

Ep42 - A Biblical Guide to Anxiety

We’ve heard lots about anxiety; both from those who experience it, and those who help treat it. But how should Christians deal with anxiety? And why is it such a struggle for so many of us? We’re joined this episode by Paul Grimmond, the Dean of Students at Moore Theological College and author of the book ‘When the Noise Won’t Stop: A Christian Guide to Dealing With Anxiety’.

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Ep34 - Does Gaming Affect Mental Health?
James Burke James Burke

Ep34 - Does Gaming Affect Mental Health?

Today we’re chatting with Jacob, a life-long gamer, who shares how gaming has affected his mental health — both negatively and for the better. We’ll hear Jacob’s journey and discuss the bigger picture of gaming, as well as what we might need to watch out for in this space as Christians.

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Ep32 - CEOs Get Anxious, Too
James Burke James Burke

Ep32 - CEOs Get Anxious, Too

You think of a CEO and you probably picture someone who has it all together. But what’s happening behind the scenes? Is it possible that even CEOs can wrestle with mental illness? Dr Matt Lucas is the President and Global CEO of Our Daily Bread Ministries, whom Anxious Faith is a part of — yep, we’ve got the big boss on today.

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Ep28 - But Isn’t Anxiety a Sin?
James Burke James Burke

Ep28 - But Isn’t Anxiety a Sin?

A common thread through many of the stories we share is our guests’ experiences of being told that their anxiety or other mental health struggles are a faith issue, not a mental one. With a growing awareness of the reality and prevalence of mental health struggles, are there really people who don’t believe that mental illnesses can be a sign of our fallen world, and are instead the result of wilful disobedience to God?

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Ep25 - What if the Anxiety Comes Back?
James Burke James Burke

Ep25 - What if the Anxiety Comes Back?

How do you deal with anxiety that returns, even after doing “all the right things”? Tiffany shares what it’s like to feel like you’ve ‘beaten’ anxiety, only to have it return again. She talks about how she learned to recognise the physical sensations her body was experiencing as “somatic anxiety” — a physical manifestation of anxiety without the typical “anxious thoughts”.

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Ep24 - We Are Not Our Feelings
James Burke James Burke

Ep24 - We Are Not Our Feelings

It wasn’t until his 30’s that Akos faced anxiety for the first time, in the form of a panic attack while seated on a small aircraft. That seemingly isolated incident led to a second panic attack, and a third, until his anxiety worsened.

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Ep23 - Managing OCD With God
James Burke James Burke

Ep23 - Managing OCD With God

At first, Amelie and her family chalked her anxiety up to the usual stresses of teenagehood and highschool exams, but when it only intensified after high school, she sought professional help. It was then that Amelie was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

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Ep13 - Church, We Need to Talk
James Burke James Burke

Ep13 - Church, We Need to Talk

Harrison and his church’s mission is simple: to bring God into the discussions around our mental health. In a world where the topic of mental health is going to be talked about at school, university, work and many other secular places, they want to make sure that the church is talking about it just as much.

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Ep10 - Why Hasn’t God Cured My OCD?
James Burke James Burke

Ep10 - Why Hasn’t God Cured My OCD?

Jemimah shares with us what it’s like to live with OCD, and the way it affects her life. But Jemimah is also a person of faith, and today, she opens up about what it’s like to know that she is a new creation in Christ, all the while still dealing with the intrusive thoughts and negative effects of her mental health disorder.

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Ep9 - How One Journey With Mental Illness Sparked Anxious Faith
Stephen Unwin Stephen Unwin

Ep9 - How One Journey With Mental Illness Sparked Anxious Faith

This episode, things are looking a little different. We’re hearing from James today not as our podcast host, but as our interviewee; listening as he shares about his family’s journey through mental health struggles and how they led to starting Anxious Faith.

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Ep6 - When Your Partner Has Anxiety
James Burke James Burke

Ep6 - When Your Partner Has Anxiety

With mental health statistics so high – especially in Australia – the odds are someone we know and care about will suffer from a mental health condition during their life. But what do you do if it’s your partner?

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Ep4 - A Pastor Who’s Been Through It
James Burke James Burke

Ep4 - A Pastor Who’s Been Through It

This episode, we're speaking with Jordan, a pastor from Melbourne who has lived the experience first hand. We hear his story, but also what he's learned along the way about how he views God, and how God views him.

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Ep3 - Owning Your Labels
James Burke James Burke

Ep3 - Owning Your Labels

If you’ve struggled with anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenges, and you’ve been open about it – there’s a fair chance that you might be labelled that way by people.

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Ep2 - Using Your Anxiety
James Burke James Burke

Ep2 - Using Your Anxiety

As we start the new year, it’s often a time for people to reflect on the past, and what they might like to change for the future. For people who have struggled with anxiety, trying to factor that in can be difficult. What are we supposed to do with our anxiety? Do we just write that time off, try and move on, and not let it impact us any more? Or can something more come from it?

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Ep1 - A Doctor Shares What Anxiety Is
James Burke James Burke

Ep1 - A Doctor Shares What Anxiety Is

What better way to start Season 2 than by learning from a doctor what anxiety is? Join us as we chat with Sarah, a GP in Australia, and learn what anxiety does to our bodies, and how we can help deal with it.

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Intro: Ep5 - Walking the Road Together
James Burke James Burke

Intro: Ep5 - Walking the Road Together

Someone opening up about their anxiety can be a huge, but how do you walk alongside them in that? Our guests share how we can support and care for those with anxiety.

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Intro: Ep3 - What If?
James Burke James Burke

Intro: Ep3 - What If?

We've talked anxiety, we've talked faith. But what if your anxiety makes you start questioning that faith? What if you start to ask the big, hard questions, about whether God is good?

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