
I’m 26 and I’m Afraid to Drive
I’d never been afraid to drive, and here I was, sitting in my own driveway, hyperventilating. I started the engine, and as it burst to life, I burst into tears. Something gripped my chest tightly, and it wasn’t going away. All I knew was that I couldn’t get back on the road. It wouldn’t be safe.

6 People in the Bible Who Struggled With Their Mental Health
Each of these people in the Bible is a reminder that those of us who struggle with our mental health are not alone. But beyond that, we can also learn valuable lessons from those who’ve gone before us in how they dealt with and responded to their struggles. Let’s take a look.

What’s My Next Step?
You might find yourself feeling like you’re treading water. You aren’t in the places that you’ve left behind, but you aren’t yet in the places that you thought God was calling you to. There’s a constant back and forth between what was and what is not yet, but all the while you feel like you aren’t really anywhere.

10 Surprising Things I’ve Learned About Having Good Mental Health
I’ve never struggled with depression or anxiety – until a few years ago. I had a panic attack on a small aircraft as it was flying through a storm, bouncing around like a dodgem car. And for a good year after that incident, I felt incredibly anxious whenever I boarded aircraft. But I sought help and began the journey of responding well to anxiety.

When It Feels Like We're Drowning
When I’m in a place of utter chaos, floundering around and feeling like I’m going under, who am I calling out to? Am I jumping on social media and looking for validation and safety in other people’s content? Or am I catching my breath and calling out to the One who never left me in the first place, the One who was present from the beginning telling me I could “come” despite the chaos of the storm swirling around me?

What the Bible Says About Peace
There’s so much going on in the world, and it can be overwhelming. Whether we’re struggling with troubles in our own lives or feeling the barrage of bad news every time we look at the headlines, peace can feel elusive – if not impossible. All that can leave us wondering, “How can we find peace with everything going on?”

4 Reminders When God Seems Silent in Our Suffering
What can we do to overcome the pain? How do we worship God in the storms of life? If thousands of innocent people suffer at the hands of a crazed killer or a sudden change in the earth’s atmosphere, why does God seem to remain silent?

Learning to Love God in the Midst of Grief
My friend passed away last week after suffering from a sudden and very unexpected stroke. When I heard the news, the only words I could muster were, “Why, God?” Here was a young woman in the prime of her life—a 29-year-old with an amazing intellect and dreams to transform the world. She had so much left to live for. Why did she have to die so young?

As a Christian Bloke, Here’s What I’ve Learned About Dealing With Difficult Emotions
Most of us have been in situations where we’ve felt the tidal wave of negative emotions–especially anger or sadness–wash over us, and carry us along. We can’t think straight. And anything we say is propelled by our negative emotions. The emotion greets us in the morning and shapes our thoughts for days.

Help! I Can’t Stop Overthinking!
This issue of destructive thought patterns has been on my heart for some time, and I have learned that we can claim back our imaginations—we have to! The reality is, our feelings are extremely misleading and can’t always be trusted.