
Does My Psychologist Need to Be Christian?
The aim of psychology isn’t to replace or change our beliefs in God, it’s to help us understand ourselves and our minds better so that we can live a more fulfilling life. That sounds like something Jesus wants for us, right?

A Psychiatrist Explains the Different Types of Mental Disorders
Recently we caught up with Professor Kuruvilla George to learn more about some of the different types of mental illnesses, their risk factors, and how we can respond to those struggling.

Filling Our Bellies With the Bible: A Guide to Biblical Meditation
Many people associate meditation with the idea of ‘emptying our minds’, achieving a state of inner peace, or a focus on ourselves and not others. But biblical meditation is different. Biblical meditation is pondering the words of Scripture with a receptive heart, trusting the Holy Spirit to work in you through those words.

If Jesus Is Enough, Why Would I Need Psychology?
“But the gospel should be enough.” These were words a younger Chris once uttered to a fellow church leader who suggested that a church member who struggled with mental illness should see a psychologist. At the time, Chris had completed two theology degrees, was working on his Masters, and pastoring the church.

4 Steps to Untangling Your Emotions
Sarah describes our relationship with mental health like a beach ball. As humans, we have a natural drive within us to avoid feelings of fear or pain. We don’t like sitting in uncomfortable emotions, and so we suppress them; we hold them under the water with all our energy, hoping they won’t come up so we won’t have to face them.